Camping at Three Cliffs Bay - Part3

Three Cliffs Bay

Camping at Three Cliffs Bay - Part3:

6 and 7th September 2014,

Until now you read how we started our Camping Trip and Reached Swansea (read here) and then how after a long detour, we finally reached our Camping Ground at Three Cliffs Bay (read here).

As we started laying down our Tents at the second site, we started liking it more. We started discussing among ourselves that we could have sprained our backs if we would have laid the Tents at the slope (first site). Probably the heavy winds might have uprooted the Tents as well. It is human nature I suppose, one settles down with the option one gets and starts liking it eventually.

Anyhow we started to put our Tents in position. Our (Mine and Gilus) Tent was a dome shaped Tent and was put upright quickly. This trip being our second Camping Trip, we had already gained a bit of experience in quickly bringing up our Tent. One our Tent was laid, I started helping Vishi and his friend in bringing up their Tunnel shaped Tent. In the mean time Gilu arranged our stuff inside our Tent.

Finally both the Tents were upright. We sat down besides the Tents for some time and took some snaps. It was now time to move towards The Three Cliffs Bay.

We started trekking downhill towards the Sea. Through the woods and the sand dunes we reached the Seashore. It was a wonderful trek downhill; we thoroughly enjoyed it and captured the time in our snaps.

Path via the Woods - Three Cliffs Bay
Path via the Woods

At the Seashore none of us could resist the temptation of getting into the sea. We folded our Jeans knee high and ventured into the Sea. We had an unresisting temptation to take a dip in the sea water but as we did not have spare clothes handy we just avoided taking a dip. We somehow just avoided ourselves swimming in the sea, but promised ourselves if we get another opportunity we would certainly take a dip and try our hands on swimming in the sea.

The Three Cliffs were submerged in water a bit. Probably 10% of its height was under water. We could see a tunnel at the base, but it was almost 3/4th submerged in water. It was pretty evident that the Three Cliffs could not be reached via its base as due to high tide it was submerged in water. The only other option to reach The Three Cliffs was via the mountains from its peak. We decided we will trek up the mountain and reach The Three Cliffs by walking on the ridge.

It was almost 5pm when we decided that we would go up the mountain to reach the Three Cliffs. In dearth of any predefined path or a map we would just follow our instincts to scale up the mountain, walk on the ridge and finally reach the top of The Three Cliffs. We also decide that we should reach the Campsite latest by 8pm as by then it would be to dark. We also had to cook food for dinner. Effectively we had around 3 hours to scale up the mountain, reach The Three Cliffs, scale down and then trek back to the Camping ground.

To start our uphill journey we had to reach the foothill. Due to high tide some backwater ravines and small ponds were created. There was a small slow flowing river as well between the sea shore and the foothill. We crossed the backwaters from the place it was narrowest. Now we had to cross the river. We initially thought of crossing the river from the place we were as the waters were just waist deep. But looking at the river at bit upstream we could see that the river was shallow there. We could also see some concrete stepping stones put in there, on which we could hop on and cross the river. We took the way via the stepping stones to cross the river. After crossing the river we had to trek around half a mile to reach the foothill.

Stepping Stones - Three Cliffs Bay
Stepping Stones

As we reached the foothill we noticed that the uphill journey was going to be even more tough & arduous as the uphill trek was sandy and covered with thorny shrubs. Anyhow we started to ascend uphill slowly and gradually, moving through the thorny shrubs and the sand dunes. After exerting a lot of force for climbing the mountain we finally reached the top of the mountain. 

Although we had reached the top of the mountain The Three Cliffs were still far off. We could see a path going towards The Three Cliffs. We started Trekking on this path. The Three Cliffs was approaching near. Finally we reached the place which was just adjacent to The Three Cliffs; it was the highest place in the region.

We were on the top of the mountain and we could see the far stretched sea and the horizon. It was quite windy out there. The Sun was about to set so we decided that after spending sometime at the top we would start our decent. Along with the strong winds we could also hear the roar of the sea when the sea waves hit the rocks of The There Cliffs and the mountains all around. The lush greenery, serenity and tranquility of the place again reminded us of Dehradun. We spent some time there chit-chatting and taking some breath taking snaps.

It was time to descend down the mountain. We started our downhill journey just to realize that the downhill journey was much easier than anticipated. We could quickly descend down the hill. In a short span of time we were at the foothill. It had started to become dark. We had to cross the river and then trek uphill to reach our Camping ground.

While at the foothill, Vishi saw a Castle at some distance. Initially we thought of visiting the Castle but eventually we had to abandon the thought as it was getting darker and darker.

We took some pics there, crossed the river via the route where we had the stepping stones and started trekking uphill towards the Camping ground. It was almost pitch dark by then. Trekking for few miles we finally reached our Camping ground. It was almost 8 pm by then. Our speed was good enough to reach the Camping ground on the time we had previously anticipated.

Now was the time to ignite the Barbeque and cook food...

Continue Reading: Camping at Three Cliffs Bay - Part4...

Three Cliffs Bay from the Top
Three Cliffs Bay from the Top


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Ankur Tandon
Hello World!!! I am Ankur Tandon. I am a Software Engineer with a passion to travel and explore new places. Working with industry majors like Google, PwC, TCS etc has given me the opportunity to roam around the world. I have visited around 12 countries, numerous cities and places. Here I share with you my travel experiences, and information about various places.Hopefully it will help you better plan your next trip. “Sayonara” “ Astalavista” “AU Revoir”.