Camping at Three Cliffs Bay - Part6

Three Cliffs Bay

Camping at Three Cliffs Bay - Part6:

6 and 7th September 2014,

Until now you read how we started our Camping Trip and Reached Swansea (read here), then how after a long detour, we finally reached our Camping Ground at Three Cliffs Bay (read here), then later how we reached the beach, trekked up the mountain to reach the top of Three Cliffs and returned back to the Camping ground by late evening (read here), then cooked our dinner over fire, chit-chatted about "Ghosts & Haunting Stories", had dinner and went to bed. Woke up to start the day in a manner as we had always dreamt of ever since childhood- "A day starting in lush green farmlands surrounded by meadows" (read here). Finally dismantled our Tents and trek towards the Three Cliffs Bay, so as to pass through the Tunnel structure formed under the The Three Cliffs and later enjoy to the hilt in the sea (read here).

After we all reunited, we started to ascend the hill. This time we took the shorter path. This path was shorter but bit steeper. Also this path had more sand; hence it was even more difficult to ascend. Other than the ascent being more difficult we were all tired as we had exhausted our energies playing in the sea.

Sign Post - Three Cliffs Bay
Sign Post - Three Cliffs Bay

Somehow we managed trekking to the nearest bus station; basically it was the same bus station where we had de-boarded the bus from Swansea. After waiting for some time when no bus arrived, we looked at the bus timings at the bus stop. The next bus was at 4 pm. Apparently while de-boarding, Vishi had mistakenly looked at the bus timings for Saturday instead of Sunday. We were all following the timings suggested by him, so as to catch the earliest bus to Swansea.

We had our bus from Swansea station to London at 4 pm and the option of taking the bus was completely ruled off. We were stuck at the Camping Site now.

We, human beings, adapt to the situation we are put to. We thought in worst case if we don't get any conveyance to Swansea today, we will stay one more day at the Camping site. Take the Bus to Swansea the next day and then take Bus tickets from Swansea to London the other day. In best case we might end up getting some other conveyance to Swansea and board our train from Swansea to London today itself. 

We thought we should enquire about any other conveyance at the Three Cliff Bay's reception. I and Gilu stood at the bus stop guarding our luggage, Vishi and his Friend rushed to the Three Cliffs Bay reception for some help.

After sometime they returned with the cab owner's phone number. Vishi could not call the number as his and his friend's cell phones were all drenched in water. They had actually kept their cell phones in their pockets and forgot to take them out when plunging in the sea. Sea water had seeped into their cell phones and rendered them nonfunctional. 

Fortunately my cell phone was not drenched and still in working condition. I had kept my cell phone in my jacket and had kept it away from the sea (sea water). Anyhow I called on the phone number handed over by Vishi. It rang and someone picked the call. It brought back some hope. We had a chat with the person and booked the cab. WOW, YIPEEE such a relief for us.

After 15-20 minutes the cab arrived, we loaded our entire luggage in the cab and finally boarded the cab for our return journey to Swansea.

Leaving the Three Cliffs Bay Camping site, everyone was very nostalgic. Somehow in back of our mind we all knew that probably we would all never come to this place, but will remember and enjoy every single moment spent here throughout our life. We had spent some beautiful moments that all of us will cherish long after this trip.

As the saying goes "Create Memories", that you can later remember and enjoy. We all had spent some quality time here, enjoyed the activities and the stay at this place, eventually creating long-lasting memories.

We reached Swansea in around 30-40 minutes and finally boarded our bus to London. It was time to say "Bid Adieu" to Swansea...

Bye Bye Swansea,

Bye Bye Three Cliffs Bay...

Hope to see you again...

Three Cliffs Bay
Three Cliffs Bay


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Ankur Tandon
Hello World!!! I am Ankur Tandon. I am a Software Engineer with a passion to travel and explore new places. Working with industry majors like Google, PwC, TCS etc has given me the opportunity to roam around the world. I have visited around 12 countries, numerous cities and places. Here I share with you my travel experiences, and information about various places.Hopefully it will help you better plan your next trip. “Sayonara” “ Astalavista” “AU Revoir”.